Paul Fiery
1 min readNov 2, 2021


I agree. And this is how and why socialism never ends up where Marx envisioned it, with maximum individual freedom to work at anything or not, and no hierarchy above anyone, etc. "Imagine." Instead, if the economy were destroyed to "make room for socialism", what would quickly emerge would be hunger and violent chaos. And then an authority would arise to restore order in the "Socialist States of America." Marxist purists would complain and would find themselves condemned as "John Lennonites." They'd be sent to work in chain gangs to complete the Wall at the Mexican border, except this time the wall's purpose would be to keep Americans in.

This, I've realized, is the reason why people keep returning to Marxism. They like the "Imagine" version -- and they don't grasp that there is no path from here or anywhere that actually arrives there. Instead, all paths lead to fascist dictatorships. When anti-socialists point out such dictatorships, the believers say, "that's not real socialism!" But it is the only socialism that is actually possible.



Paul Fiery

Observing. Gathering and curating ideas. Getting ready.